Cartitas Series – Letters Home with Family Activities
A set of 20 letters (10 English, 10 Spanish) for teachers to send home for parents. Each letter has activities related the Big Book stories, such as great ways to bring the story home like book sharing, the art of play, and healthy traditions in your family. The letters include a section on celebrating heritage and culture and a space for the teacher to share what the child loved to do in school this month.
Using the power of the stories, the Cartitas are designed to share with families how their children are doing in class, to offer practical school-home activities that nurture children’s literacy and numeracy, and to open a channel of communication that values the language, culture and contribution of families, teachers and children.
Available from IDRA for $200 for the full package in English and $200 for the full package in Spanish (full packages include 25 copies of each of the 10 Cartita stories). Also available in individual packets of 25 per story (choose English or Spanish) for $20. One sample copy of each Cartita is included in the Semillitas de Aprendizaje Classroom Master Set.
• El Curioso Tomás / Curious Tomás – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• La Chamaca Machaca / Machaca the Ostrich – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• El Collar de Margarita / Margarita’s Necklace – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• Los Números del 1 al 10 y otras Coplas – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• Jesusita y las Arañas / Jesusita and the Spiders – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• Confusión en el Circo / Confusion in the Circus – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• Dos Pollitas Listas / Two Smart Chicks – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• Mi Abrigo de Verano / My Summer Coat – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• La Cajita de Primeros Auxilios / The First Aid Kit – 25 English or 25 Spanish
• El Minero Jorge / Jorge, the Miner – 25 English or 25 Spanish