Dos Pollitas Listas ~ Two Smart Chicks is a charming story about two bright and creative little chicks who discover a better way to learn and to share geometric shapes with their classmates.
When the twin sisters go to school, Clara and Carla are given a homework assignment by their teacher, Ms. Red Hen. They are to search out and bring to class examples of all the geometric shapes they can identify at home. The chicks excitedly begin to assemble all the examples of geometric shapes they can find. But soon, they discover that it will be impossible to take all their treasures to school. They think of a more practical solution to draw the figures in their notebooks instead. The next day, there is chaos in the classroom as all the other students bring the various objects. Their astonished teacher is understanding when she realizes that she failed to give clear instructions to her students and complements the two little sister chicks on their practical solution of bringing their drawings to class. In addition to introducing the concept of geometric shapes, the story shows the importance of creativity, of being explicit in giving directions and in admitting our mistakes.
[ISBN: 978-1-935737-12-4; Paperback, 32 Pages; 2013]